
【华e生活青少年记者慎奥锐报道】周四(12月19日),北卡州立大学的慎熙鹏教授在罗利市中心的科学咖啡馆发表了演讲。这是由自然科学博物馆组织的一系列讲座之一。他的演讲围绕今年诺贝尔物理学奖得主约翰·J·霍普菲尔德(John J. Hopfield)和杰弗里·E·辛顿(Geoffrey E. Hinton)展开,重点介绍了他们为人工智能奠定的基础技术。




朱莉·帕特里克(Julie Patrick)表达了对此次活动的热情,她认为这是一个与人工智能爱好者建立联系的好机会。“我学到了很多。”她说道,并补充道,创建人工智能系统所需的时间和努力让她对这项技术有了更深的理解。她还提到,与其他与会者的对话让她从新的角度思考人工智能。

萧强(Xiao Qiang)则强调了此次活动的教育意义,他对讲座中分享的历史细节印象深刻。“我以前了解人工智能,但从未意识到它背后有如此详细的历史。”他说。他还特别欣赏讲座对人工智能为何在当下备受关注的讨论,称这次活动“令人振奋”,并表示非常享受这些对话。




Nobel Prize Seminar Sparks Engaging Conversations and New Perspectives on AI

■By Elizabeth Shen, 10th Grade, Green Hope High School

Professor Xipeng Shen of the NC State University gave a talk this past Thursday at the Science Cafe in downtown Raleigh. This was one in a series of talks organized by the Natural Life and Science Museum. His presentation surrounded the Nobel prize winner in physics this year, John J. Hopfield and  Geoffrey E. Hinton for laying the foundational technology for artificial intelligence. During his talk, he explained to the cafe filled to the brim with people, the history and roots of AI. Most notably, its inspiration came from biology and physics.

Interesting questions were raised by the audience surrounding the future of AI, as well as the potential issues and dangers brought by it such as; “Will AI cause widespread unemployment?” “How do we make sure our students are actually learning and not using AI?” “Can AI find answers humans have not, such as the cure for cancer?”

While it is impossible to know a definite answer to these questions at the time, valuable discussion was held surrounding the topic. Attendees shared their thoughts on the experience, reflecting excitement and inspiration from the discussions.

Julie Patrick expressed enthusiasm about the opportunity to connect with people who share an interest in AI. “I learned a lot,” she said, adding that the time and effort invested in creating AI systems gave her a deeper appreciation for the technology. Conversations with other attendees, she noted, encouraged her to think about AI from fresh perspectives.

Xiao Qiang highlighted the educational aspect of the event, remarking on the depth of historical insights shared during the talks. “I knew about AI, but I never realized the detailed history behind it,” he said. Xiao also appreciated the discussion on why AI is gaining so much attention in the present day, describing the session as “inspirational” and saying he thoroughly enjoyed the conversations.

Xipeng praised the audience’s engagement and thoughtful questions. “The interactions were fascinating,” he said, noting that the event fostered an environment where participants could exchange ideas and learn from one another.

The seminar not only provided valuable insights into AI’s development and impact but also demonstrated the importance of dialogue in shaping understanding and curiosity about emerging technologies.
