将凯瑞建成一个更好的家园——Bella Huang在竞选市议员启动式上的演讲


凯瑞华人居民、著名华人企业爱贝尔公司副总裁徐双双(Bella Huang)参选凯瑞市议员的正式启动仪式,3月16日在“重庆小面”隆重举办,吸引超过250人前来支持。




我叫黄贝拉(Bella Huang,徐双双),很荣幸站在这里,和所有民选官员、朋友以及支持我竞选Cary市议员的邻居们在一起。




















Good afternoon, everyone.

My name is Bella Huang. It is truly an honor to stand here with all the elected officials, friends, and neighbors who support my campaign for Cary Town Council.

I want to thank Ya Liu. Your leadership has brought incredible strength to our Chinese-American community, and your success as a Cary councilwoman shows us that nothing is impossible. You continue to inspire so many of us. Thank you.

I also want to thank all the Cary council members for supporting me today. Your dedication to the town and encouragement mean the world to me. Thank you.

I want to thank the volunteers and community members who sponsored the food and also Fen, the owner of Q Noodles. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much. She even borrowed the space next door for us because we expected over 250 people.

I am so honored to stand here with everyone. The election is on November 4th, but I wanted to start early and introduce myself.

I was born in China and came to the U.S. to pursue my education. I believe in the American dream, and I see Cary as my home, a place where families thrive and businesses grow. Now, I am running to represent this district because I want to keep Cary a place of opportunity for everyone.

I grew up in a small town in northeastern China, where both my parents worked in a factory. They opened a small neighborhood store in their spare time, instilling in me the value of hard work and resilience. Recognizing the power of education, my mother hired an English tutor for me when I was just ten years old—an early opportunity that would go on to change my life.

The year 2002 was a defining moment in my life. I received my university acceptance letter from Beijing—a moment that should have been filled with pure joy. However, that year, my parents divorced. For the first time, I left my hometown. My mother traveled with me to Beijing, which took a ten-hour train ride. Then, we boarded bus number 375 to my university. That night, in a small dorm room, we squeezed onto a single bed—her head at one end, mine at the other.

After my enrollment was complete, it was time for her to go back home. That morning, I stood at the bus stop watching as she took the same bus back to the train station. As her figure faded into the distance, a realization hit me—my mother had put all her savings into my education and would be raising my sister and me on her own. It was my turn to be strong.

Determined to succeed, I earned my engineering degree while balancing multiple part-time jobs—tutoring, selling cellphones, and assisting my university’s education office. These experiences taught me the value of listening, learning, and serving others.

I was offered a full ride to graduate school, but I chose to work instead to support my family. After six years as a project manager, I made another life-changing decision—to leave behind the career I had built and start over in the United States. I earned my MBA at the University of South Florida and built a new life in North Carolina.

I chose Cary as my home because of its great climate, educational resources, and welcoming community.

Through my small business, iPearl, I have had the privilege of supporting over 30,000 teachers by providing laptop covers—a small token of gratitude to those shaping the next generation. But for me, giving back isn’t just a value—it’s my purpose.

In the past few years, I proudly co-founded two nonprofit organizations—the Victory Empowerment Fund and the North Carolina Asian American Alliance. These organizations support, empower, and uplift my community.

Through my grit, my journey from a small-town girl to a businesswoman, and ultimately to a community servant, was driven by resilience, responsibility, and a heartfelt deep belief in the power of community.

Cary is an incredible place to live, work, and raise a family, but District C deserves special opportunities. We must build a sustainable future. Our natural environment needs to be protected by implementing clean energy infrastructure and improving greenways, sidewalks, crosswalks, and other transportation options. In addition, maintaining and repairing stormwater systems, streets, and traffic signals is essential to creating a strong and eco-friendly community.

We must invest in small businesses. Small businesses are the backbone of our community—creating jobs and supporting the local economy. The town of Cary should prioritize working with these businesses to ensure that we invest in those that, in return, invest in us.

We also need more housing options for our seniors and community service providers—such as teachers, firefighters, and police officers—so they can live in the communities they serve.

We must empower a vibrant town. I want to create more opportunities for young people and seniors so they can get involved, give back, and have a voice in our community.

We cherish Cary deeply, and we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to stay, thrive, and give back to the community they call home.

Today, I ask for your support. But more importantly, I want to hear your voice. I want to listen to your concerns and your hopes for our community. Together, we can build a better Cary.

I’m ready to serve. Are you ready to stand with me?

Thank you, everyone.
