



北卡佛光山妙舟法师为老人们送祝福。 胡卫卫摄




文艺表演。 胡卫卫摄




橙县老龄化部门主任詹尼斯·泰勒(Janice Tyler)表示:“我们非常感谢志愿者、表演者和赞助商们,使这次活动取得了巨大的成功。他们的支持对我们服务老年社区和促进文化理解的使命至关重要。”



图片转自《人间通讯社》 心誉摄


北卡佛光山除夕送暖長者 傳遞新春祝福

【人間社 心譽 美國北卡報導】2025-01-31

北卡佛光山監寺妙舟法師帶領知三法師、國際佛光會北卡協會會長陳美鳳及副會長謝月娥,於1月28日除夕前往北卡橙郡教堂山的希摩爾中心(Seymour Center),為樂齡長者送上星雲大師的春節墨寶與紅包,並提供摸彩獎品,傳遞新春祝福。

希摩爾中心隸屬橙郡老年部門(Department on Aging)已服務當地長者逾30年,致力於建立完整的支持系統,提供多元化的教育、文化及健康服務。當日,中心特別舉辦春節慶祝活動,安排各類文化舞蹈表演,由長者們親自演出。現場除了亞裔長者,亦有少數美裔及非裔長者共同參與。

西摩中心春节庆祝会现场。 本组照片拍摄 心誉




橙郡(Orange County)官网上的英文报道:

Chapel Hill Celebrates Lunar New Year with Vibrant Cultural Extravaganza

CHAPEL HILL, NC – January 28, 2025 – The Seymour Senior Center in Chapel Hill buzzed with excitement on January 28th as it hosted a vibrant Lunar New Year celebration, bringing together over 150 community members. The event commenced with the arrival of Venerable Master MiaoJou of Fo Guang Shan in North Carolina, a respected community leader, who graced the occasion with his blessings and set a warm and festive tone.

Master MiaoJou delivered a heartfelt message of hope and encouragement, inspiring everyone with the words, ” Keep going, the future is bright. ” His compassionate words, coupled with the presentation of red envelopes to each senior as a symbol of good fortune and respect, created a truly heartwarming atmosphere. This thoughtful gesture went beyond tradition, showcasing the Master’s deep care and consideration for the elderly members of the community.

The celebration unfolded with a captivating array of performances. A graceful fan dance, “Ode to the Plum Blossom,” set the stage, followed by a heartwarming performance by the community senior choir, their voices echoing with unity and harmony.

The stage then welcomed a diverse range of talent, showcasing the vibrant cultural tapestry of the community. Local residents proudly displayed their Chinese language skills, captivating the audience with their fluency. The “Charlie Social Club,” an English language class specifically designed for Chinese seniors, presented moving speeches, highlighting the importance of lifelong learning and community integration. Founded over a decade ago by a local resident from Qingdao, Shandong, the club has become a testament to the power of cross-cultural exchange.

The afternoon continued with mesmerizing performances of classical Chinese dance, including the enchanting “Flower Demon” and captivating solo and group dances by the Simon Dance Troupe. The North Carolina Sunset Red Arts Troupe further enriched the celebration with a diverse program of solo and duet performances, group dances, and instrumental music.

The vibrant energy reached its peak with a lively raffle drawing, adding to the festive atmosphere. This Lunar New Year celebration was more than just entertainment; it was a testament to the community’s spirit, showcasing the vitality of its senior citizens and celebrating the richness of Chinese culture. The event beautifully demonstrated the power of cultural exchange and the importance of fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

The participation of students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill added a youthful and energetic dimension to the event. From Mr. Niu’s early morning assistance with event setup to Ms. Xiong’s dedicated contribution to the event’s written documentation, and the active involvement of other students in creating a video record of the celebration, the students’ enthusiasm and dedication significantly enhanced the event’s success.

Ms. Janice Tyler, Director of the Orange County Department of Aging, expressed her gratitude, stating, “We are deeply grateful to the volunteers, performers, and sponsors for their invaluable contributions to the success of this event. Their support is crucial to our mission of serving the senior community and fostering cultural understanding.”

The Lunar New Year celebration at the Seymour Senior Center served as a powerful reminder of the strength of community, the beauty of cultural exchange, and the enduring spirit of its senior residents.
