北卡摄友群群主 杨建平 上周末摄于北卡班纳麋鹿(Banner Elk)小镇。

班纳麋鹿(Banner Elk)小镇
位于北卡罗来纳州蓝岭山脉,在两个滑雪场之间。南边是糖山滑雪场,北边是山毛榉山滑雪场。在镇上,班纳屋博物馆(Banner House Museum)陈列着一栋19世纪60年代的房子,里面有家具、工具和衣服。野猫湖有海滩和码头。小镇东南部的祖父山是一个自然博物馆,有小径和一英里高的摇摆桥。
Banner Elk is a town in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. It lies between 2 ski resorts: Sugar Mountain Resort to the south, and Beech Mountain Resort to the north. In town, the Banner House Museum displays period furnishings, tools and clothing in an 1860s home. Wildcat Lake has a beach and a pier. To the southeast, Grandfather Mountain is home to a nature museum, trails and the Mile High Swinging Bridge.