美中经济文化协会 Chinese American Economic & Cultural Association (英文简称 CAECA)于 2015 年正式成立。卫高荣先生担任创会董事长、李勐先生担任创会会长。杨建平先生、王政贤先生、王拉柱先生、李斌先生、林东先生、牛 志文先生等副会长为协会共同创办人。卫高荣、李 勐、牛志文、黄莉清、萧美勇、李勇、李斌,林东及陈海娜担任董事会董事,简称常委,后加入常委 陈建华、侯海良、黄海晖、李鸿雁、穆援越、倪锦贵、姚国勳、官诗辉。
任命张旦旦为创会秘书。 通过大家的群策群力,协会得到了快速发展, 精选会员 60 多人,其中包括大学校长、教授、律 师、企业家、政府部门负责人以及各行业促进中美 交流的成功人士。CAECA 的宗旨是致力于促进美中 之间的经济文化交流,为两国政府及民间交往牵线 搭桥及提供服务。
Introduction: Chinese American Economic & Cultural Association (CAECA) was formally established in 2015. Mr. John Wei served as the chairman of the founding committee and Mr. Meng Li as the founding president. Mr. Jianping Yang, Mr. Jack Wang, Mr. Lazhu Wang, Mr. Kevin Li, Mr. Tony Lin, Mr. Steve Niu and other vice presidents are co-founders of the association. John Wei, Meng Li, Steve Niu, Lisa Huang, Billy Xiao, Yong Li, Kevin Li, Tony Lin and Hannah Chen are the members of the Board of Directors (newly joined board members: John Chen, Hailiang Hou, Haihui huang, Hongyan Li, Ed Mu, Raymond Ni, Roger Yiu, Michael Guan), designated Dandan Zhang as Secretary of CAECA.
Through the concerted efforts of all the members, the association has developed rapidly, with more than 60 selected members, including university presidents, professors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, heads of government departments, and successful individuals in various industries to promote China and US exchanges. The purpose of CAECA is to promote economic and cultural exchanges between the United States and China, and to provide bridges and services for the two governments and non-governmental contacts.
2018 年 1 月 6 日 CAECA 年会,理事会常委与特别来宾。
1/6/2018 CAECA annual meeting, Board member with honor guests.
2018 年 1 月 6 日年会,所有来宾起立共唱美国和中国国歌。
1/6/2018 annual meeting, all of the attendees stand up to sing the US & China Anthems.

2018 年 1 月 6 日 CAECA 年会,所有来宾在“美中经济文化协会”横幅前合影 1/6/2018 CAECA annual meeting, all of attendees group picture with CAECA banner on the background.
创会董事长:卫高荣 919-244-8956
会长:李勐 704-904-3806
董事:陈建华,侯海良,黄海晖, 黄莉清, 李 斌,李鸿雁, 李 勐,李 勇, 牛志文,倪择楠,卫高荣,肖美勇,姚国勳,潘浩,王源,官诗辉,韩琦,王芳
RTP分会会长:牛志文 夏洛特分会会长:王政贤
高级顾问:柯秀亭,顾泓彬,Klaus Larres,周天民,周武修,张向武,Kerry McCormick,刘普叶,刘建国,吴娟,沈小薇,胡万枝,沈宗杨,袁福国,刘伟庆,葛荣朝,梅姿嫣,刘广亚,添容,李瑶瑶,盛莉,宁威亚,蒋蔚,郑志发,朱红霞,卫佩琳,苗弘佳,白海松,吴宪,钟伟雄,吕志强,李丽娥,张健雄,李洪波,姚宇,张智新,魏启龙,姚兴垣,陈宗理,王晨,刁元安,陈晓光,韩八斤,柯横明,杨小权,王涵婷,林新伟,吴辉雄,王子林
卫高荣 WeChat:laowei1946 邮箱:wei1946@gmail.com