50 2021Dance new-33e0efcb


Dancing and fitness during the pandemic

虽然我们是 50 多岁的妈妈,但我们感到年轻,因为我们有梦想,有信心,有能力迎接挑战。在2021年疫情期间,我们虽然要戴口罩,但依然坚持舞蹈健身。希望每个人都能用自己不同的方式锻炼身体, 健健康康地享受生活。
Although we are moms in our 50s, we feel young because we have dreams, confidence, and the ability to take on challenges. During the Pandemic in 2021, we kept on exercising by dancing even though we have to wear masks. I hope everyone can exercise in their own different ways to live a healthy and happy life.

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  1. 自由色彩

