5月是美国亚太裔遗产月。北卡三角区最大的报纸《新闻与观察家》(News & Observer)近日在“北卡声音”(NC VOICE)栏目刊发首位华人州议员刘广亚的文章《请去认识您的亚太裔邻居》(Get to know your AAlP neighbors),呼吁主流族群走进亚太裔邻居,更多了解这个未被主流社会重视的群体。

2023年1月11日,北卡罗来纳州的亚裔美国州议员人数从三人增加到五人,Maria Cervania女士和我加入了参议员Jay Chaudhuri、Michael Lee和Mujtaba Mohammed先生。
Get to know your AAlP neighbors
On Jan.11,2023,the number of Asian-American state legislators increased from three to five in North Carolina when Rep.Maria Cervania and I joined Sens.Jay Chaud-huri,Michael Lee,and Mujtaba Mohammed in the General Assembly.
We now have two South Asian Americans, one Chinese American, one Taiwanese American, and one Filipino American representing one of the fastest-growing demo-graphics in the state. As one of the first Asian American women elected to the legislature, it was humbling and surreal to see an Asian last name on the voting board.
According to the 2020 census, there are 441,478 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders living in North Carolina,4.1% o four total population.
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander(AAIP) Heritage Month. As we pull out of the pandemic, let us not forget that hate crimes against Asian Americans surged in the U.S. during COVID with more than 2100 anti-Asian American hate incidents reported between March and June 2020,including incidents in the Triangle area.
A local Chinese American doctor faced verbal attacks and was asked why he brought the virus here by the very patient he was attending. Other AAPI healthcare workers endured verbal and physical attacks while risking their lives to save patients.
Despite all of this, the Chinese American community showed incredible kindness during the pandemic. In spring 2020,oustate experienced a severe shortage of personal protective equipment(PPE) at the peak of the pandemic. The Chinese American community and related organizations donated $500000 worth of PPE to hospitals and other health care facilities. Chinese international students at UNC Chapel Hill and their parents donated 100,000 medical masks to UNC Hospital, Duke Hospital, Cary police, Cary firefighters, and several senior homes in Cary.
Stories and contributions of Asian Americans are not often highlighted by mainstream media. I encourage you to make efforts to get to know your Asian American neighbors and friends. Ask about their cultures and heritage—this month and every month.
Rep. Ya Liu, Raleigh