AI 时代,如何培养引领未来的青少年?——罗博深教授罗利巡讲掀起头脑风暴

罗博深教授罗利站巡讲在北卡州立大学举办。 本报道摄影 毛苌子


■恩洛高中 Jake Xu















右一为作者Jake Xu

我感谢NC State-Data Science Academy和旅美科协北卡分会(CAST-NC)为我带来的这次启迪性的体验。我非常感激能聆听到如此杰出的数学人物的智慧和建议,我现在有了一位榜样,他的话将成为我努力的目标。解决问题,创造价值,建立强大的声誉,这样你才能改变世界。





北卡州立大学教授 丁慧玲

昨天(5月17日)带娃去听了卡内基梅隆数学教授、前美国奥数国家队主教练罗博深博士的讲座,题目是“AI 时代,如何培养引领未来的青少年?”



  • 招聘方式的改变,雇主更看重解决新问题的能力,而非传统学历和经验。
  • 人工智能的快速发展,像ChatGPT和CoPilot这样的AI工具正在改变编程和写作等工作的方式,甚至有可能取代部分人力。
  • 高科技行业出现裁员潮,连CMU传统工作稳定的数学专业毕业生找工作都出现因为大规模裁员而面临机会萎缩的困境。
  • 新兴的人工智能技术和计算能力,已经开始让企业以极低的成本取代大量人工劳动力。
  • 教育培养模式的创新, 如他提出的建立网上教育生态系统、引入喜剧手段等,颠覆了传统讲授方式。


  • 培养解决新问题的能力,而非仅仅获取知识。
  • 培养预测和创新能力,主动思考问题并解决。
  • 重视人际网络,创造价值,与他人合作解决问题。
  • 培养创业家精神,从事富有创意的创新工作。
  • 传递乐于助人、努力工作的价值理念。

总的来说, 在这个充满变革与创新的时代,灵活变通、勇于创新、注重实践能力以及与他人合作将变得越来越重要。教育的目标也应该从知识传授,转向培养创新思维和解决实际问题的能力。



设身处地思考他人的痛点和需求, 并努力解决人类问题。








与他人积极合作, 建立人际网络。

他希望能够连接不同的群体,如喜剧演员和数学生, 共同建立起创新的教育生态系统。

总之, 罗教授所倡导的创业家精神,强调创新思维、解决实际问题、创造价值、合作共赢以及正确的价值观导向,这些都是在不确定的时代里值得提倡的品质。

  • Jake Xu
  • Enloe High School
  • 17 May 2024

Dr. Po-Shen Loh’s Lecture

On May 17th, an average Friday night, I walked into a conference building at North Carolina State University. As I walked in expecting nothing, I didn’t know that I was about to experience a talk that would change the ideals I strived for. Dr. Po-Shen Loh delivered a highly successful and informative hour-long talk, delving into ChatGPT’s impact on jobs, math, and education. Dr. Loh is an innovator and social entrepreneur involved in the fields of mathematics and education. A mathematics professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Loh was also the USA International Mathematical Olympiad team’s national coach from 2013 to 2023. 

Starting with the topic of job opportunities, Dr. Loh expresses that ChatGPT’s power and speed of advancement are concerning. CEOs are using ChatGPT to make their company more “efficient,” but what does efficiency mean in a company? It means laying off more employees or reducing the workforce. This means that as ChatGPT becomes more powerful and cheaper, more jobs will be subject to replacement by AI, leaving us with fewer and fewer jobs. But what jobs are safe? According to Dr. Loh, the jobs that will remain safe are the ones we have never heard about. This is the embodiment of entrepreneurship. AI-resistant jobs require human qualities such as social skills, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving. What else do these jobs require? These jobs demand creativity, critical thinking, and empathy.  Dr. Loh states that the hardest job to get is the job you first work after graduating college, which is why he advises college students to befriend many who are 2+ years older than you. This way, you build your network and will always have a job in reach. The most important characteristic when networking is your reputation, and a certain way of building a strong reputation is to always aim to create value for the people you meet. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get anything in return. As long as you’ve created value for someone else, you are giving them an idea of your ability and characteristics.

Dr. Loh then discusses mathematics by elaborating on two projects he is working on. Dr. Loh shares that he and his team are creating an online platform where young people, particularly middle schoolers, can hold friendly competitions to solve math questions correctly and quickly. Then, after the question has concluded, there is a one-minute chatroom where the students may communicate with each other about the problem. To prevent any toxicity among the young, and possibly childish, middle schoolers, next to every username is their reputation rating. The only way a user can gain a reputation is through the chatroom; if another user says that the user helped them learn something, the other user can give the user a brain emoji. The total amount of brain emojis one receives is the reputation rating of that person. However, there may still be some people who want to ruin things, people don’t care about their reputation but about bringing other people down. So, how will the chatrooms be moderated? This is where AI comes into play. After experimenting with ChatGPT, Dr. Loh discovered that AI was able to differentiate between what was acceptable and what wasn’t based on the given context. This is great news! This online math platform will foster peer-to-peer, human-to-human instruction for free! Dr. Loh concludes by saying that we must learn how to solve problems and use the powerful tool of AI to help us in our journeys, not to be replaced or become a tool ourselves.

Finally, Dr. Loh talks about education. He starts by presenting the audience with three questions. First, he asks: how did we learn our first language? We learned our first language by hearing others, practicing, and getting corrections from others. Next, how did we learn our second language? We learned through school and with the foundation of our first language. Finally, which language do we know better? We know the first one better. Although age plays a factor in this, Dr. Loh remarks that the main reason why our first language is our strongest is because of how we learned it. Dr. Loh shares the story of how he learned Chinese. He learned Chinese in two ways: the first was through formal learning in school and the second one was by going to China and speaking only Chinese for a total of 6 weeks. Dr. Loh says that the second method was incomparable to the first in terms of its effectiveness. While you can build a foundation first, you need to spend time, answering questions, and finding solutions by yourself. This will teach you perseverance and how to solve real problems. Dr. Loh believes that those who view education as a competition will ultimately fail. Students who use education to validate that they are smarter or better than other people – for instance, by winning a math competition or having a distinguished degree – believe that they are worth hiring more than someone else. However, what matters most is whether or not you can do something. “Doing something” means creating value for other people, not beating the system or understanding the rules so you can do minimal work to get by. Dr. Loh’s mindset is this: when he meets you, he is always wondering how he can help you and what he can do for you. 

Dr. Loh concludes his lecture by sharing his two principles in life. (1) The way to happiness is to delight others and (2) hard work is fun if you find something meaningful to do. As Dr. Loh puts it, imagine life as a game: if you delight one person, you get a score of 1, just a tiny lonesome 1. But if you want a score of 5, you need a job. If you want to delight thousands and millions of people, you need real skills and prestige, and you must use prestige as a tool, not a title.

I am thankful to the NC State-Data Science Academy and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology NC Chapter (CAST-NC) for this eye-opening experience. I am extremely grateful to have listened to the wise words and advice of such an accomplished mathematics figure, and I have now met a role model whose words I will strive to live by. Solve problems, create value, and build a strong reputation so that you can change the world.
