【华e生活毛苌子、唐哲报道】北卡历史上第一位站出来竞选州政府官员的刘广亚,发起选战的誓师动员会,选在凯瑞市拥有百余年历史的马修斯庄园(The Matthews House)举行,而这里,绝大多数华人此前闻所未闻。

与3年前的7月13日刘广亚竞选凯瑞市议员动员会的场面大不相同,这次动员会的开场嘉宾——凯瑞市市长哈罗德·温布雷希特 (Harold Weinbrecht),3年前为她的竞争对手背书。在这次动员会上,这位担任了15年市长的“常青树”说,“她做了大量工作,尤其是在环境保护方面。我们需要她在州议会代表凯瑞、莫里斯维尔(Morrisville),共同成就我们想做的事情。”
上次动员会支持刘广亚的北卡州参议员威利·尼克(Wiley Nickel),在昨晚的致辞中说,他是第一个鼓励她竞选州议员的人。作为北卡州今年联邦国会议员民主党候选人,他的支持更有分量。

几乎从未在华人社区露面的北卡州议员盖尔·爱德考克(Gale Adcock),专程来为刘广亚背书。这位北卡100名优秀护士荣誉称号获得者,致力于改变公共政策,为护理行业和公民健康做出了巨大贡献。她鼓励大家为刘广亚投票,“她让凯瑞变得更好,就一定会让北卡州变得更好”。
匆匆赶来的国会议员黛博拉·罗斯 (Deborah Ross)用极具感召力的话语,称赞她“是一位仆人式的领袖”,“她能竞选州议员太令我高兴了,她会很快在那里留下印记,不仅仅因为她知道如何立法,她将会是最聪明的、最勤劳、最可爱的议员,每个人都喜欢她,因为她想要有所作为,而且她每天都在为之努力。”

【特别鸣谢:华二代高中生陈伦勋(Bill Chen)现场记录支持】

你们中的一些人可能知道我是三个孩子Mason, Leia和Mia的母亲。今天和我在一起,你们中的一些人知道我是凯瑞市的议员,你们中的一些人知道我是社区组织者。我想告诉你我的故事,这样你离开这里的时候,就能多了解我一点。


我坚信代表权很重要,我们的管理机构应该反映它所服务的人民。你知道亚裔美国人只占美国人口的5%吗?知道亚裔美国人当选官员的比例不到1%吗? 2019年,你们选举我成为第一位进入凯瑞市议会的有色人种女性。有了你们的支持,一定会将第一批亚裔美国妇女送到州众议院。

Hello everyone. My name is Ya Liu, Cary Town Council Member for District D. I am extremely humbled by your presence here supporting me and cheering for me.
Some of you might know me as a mother of 3 young children Mason, Leia, and Mia who are here with me today, some of you know me as Cary council member, some of you know me as a community organizer. I want to tell you my story so you could walk away from here, knowing a little more about me.
My grandfather was a farmer who did not have any education but because of the challenges and struggles he went through in his life, he understood the value of education in lifting up a family. He worked had to send all 4 of his children to schools and two of them including my father were able to go to college. My father worked as a biology teacher in a high school and my mother was a housewife for most of her life. They taught me the importance of education at an early age. Even when I was a little girl, I knew that education is the key to achieving all my dreams.
Almost 2 decades ago, I was fortunate to receive a scholarship to pursue my graduate studies in the greatest countries on earth. I packed my belongings and flew to America. I went on to get my Ph.D in medical sociology from NC State. With my graduate training, I was fortunate to get the opportunity to teach Research Methods in Law and become a faculty member at Duke Law School. While I worked full time at Duke, I started an evening program and got a law degree at NC Central Law School. Now I have covered duke, NC State, and NC Central. Have I got everyone covered here? Oh wait, I also worked as research assistant at UNC school of Public Health. I started my own firm a few years ago and have provided legal services to about 2000 families in 36 counties across the state, most of them live right here in the triangle.
As a firstgeneration immigrant, like many of you who are here today, I never expected to get into politics. My path to politics was grounded in my community services before I got into politics. My passion for politics was driven by my desire to make positive changes for our community. It’s been such an honor and privilege to serve on the Cary Town Council which has welcomed me and mentored on local government issues. I campaigned on senior services, environmental protection, and infrastructures when I ran for council and I have kept my promise to you. During my time on the Council, I championed for the creation of the Senior advisory board, advocated for the environmental initiatives, and supported the investments on improving our transit and infrastructures. You can count on me to fight for greater access to education, healthcare, and a clean environment when you send me to the general assembly.
I am a firm believer that representation matters and our governing body should reflect the people it serves. Do you know Asian Americans only make up 5% of US. Population and less than 1% of elected officials are Asian Americans? In 2019, you elected me to be the first women of color to the Cary Town Council. With your support, we will send the first Asian American women to the General Assembly.
Coming out of the pandemic, many working families and small businesses are still struggling. Many people struggle on finding work or work multiple jobs to make ends meet. I am a small business owner and living through the struggles that you go through. You can always count on me to be a strong advocate for our business community to make sure that we have a striving economy that works for everyone; to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at success.
Here I am, still the same little girl, who believed in the dreams and opportunities that education could bring to her but NOW I want to fight for the same dreams and opportunities for many boys and girls like her by running for public office and serving you. I would like to invite you to join me on this journey and invite you to join me in this fight. I am proud to your nominee for the NC House in District 21.
最后,广亚博士是一个实干家。她有资格也有能力。加油,广亚博士! 让我们再次树立里程碑。
Today, it’s the day that should be remembered. Here in Cary, we are setting a new milestone in Asian American history in North Carolina, our beautiful home state.
Dr. Ya Liu is the first Chinese American in North Carolina to run for state legislature since its establishment in 1789. This is a long journey coming from the past, this is a long journey leading us to our bright future.

As a community activist and enthusiast, Dr. Ya Liu is a devoted board member of the Chinese American Friendship Association, and actively serves the local Chinese communities by hosting educational seminars covering multiple areas in commercial real estate, tax and rental housing, and youth forum and so on.
Dr. Ya Liu helped to organize the large community events such as the Raleigh Taste of China Food and Culture Festivals and Chapel Hill LightUp Festivals. Also recently, Dr. Ya Liu helped to create a monarch butterfly pollinator garden in Cary Good Hope Farm Park together with CAFA Youth Group.
We clearly remember, at the very beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Ya Liu actively participated the large-scale donations for purchasing the PPEs and coordinated to distribute the masks and face shields to local hospitals, senior centers and the local communities.
Also, Dr. Ya Liu helped to coordinate the covid vaccination events at Grand Asian Market, and delivery of foods to community families in need.
Dr. Ya Liu also engaged in the advocacy of racial equity and civic services by organizing CAFA Candle Vigilant Rally in Cary last year and the voter registration advocates.
Last but not least, the take home message is: Dr. Ya Liu is a doer. She is qualified and capable. Go Dr. Ya Liu! Let’s make a new milestone!