洛丽汉语学校 the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language

洛丽汉语学校(the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language,RACL)创办于1995年,她是一所非盈利性非政治、非宗教501(c)(3)组织,旨在传授汉语语言及中华文化。


本校还面向有兴趣学习汉语,了解中国文化,中文为第二语言的朋友们,开设了成人CSL (Chinese as a Second Language)中文班和幼儿CSL中文班。




学校的上课时间为每周六上午。语言班:9:15am-11:00am,课外活动班:11:10am-1:00pm。学校日程安排与Wake County公立学校系统配套。语言班共有五百多学生注册,课外活动班约有三百多名学生。洛丽汉语学校热情欢迎三角地区的华裔子女及中文爱好者入学及光临。

洛丽汉语学校的新校址位于洛丽市的 Apex Middle School:
400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502

Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language
P O Box 50375,Raleigh, NC 27650-6375

Founded in 1995, the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) is a nonprofit, non-political, 501(c)(3) educational institution. Its objectives include promoting Chinese language, teaching Chinese and Oriental history and culture, and enhancing the understanding and friendship among various background people in our community in the Triangle area of North Carolina. RACL strives to reach its goal by conducting school year-long Saturday classes, sponsoring Chinese culture oriented activities, and playing an active and contributing role in our community. Currently there are approximately 500 students enrolled at RACL.

RACL’s classes are conducted regularly at the facility of Apex Middle School in Raleigh from 9:15AM to 1:00PM on Saturdays. RACL offers approximately 35 Chinese language classes tailored to meet the needs of various backgrounds and leveled students in our community. In its language instruction, RACL has adopted the simplified Chinese characters and the “Pinyin” pronunciation system, which are the standard for the billions of Chinese speakers in Mainland China, Southeastern Asia, and many other parts of the world. RACL offers more than 20 sessions of culture and activity classes to enhance students’ learning experiences. Generally, language classes are conducted from 9:15 to 11:00AM, followed by activity sessions from 11:10AM to 1:00PM. Activity classes consist of dancing, drawing, Fun Math, Math SAT, English Writing, Chinese Kung-Fu (Wu-Shu), girls volleyball, soccer, and chess, among others.

RACL also offers Chinese as a Second Language classes to both adult and young students.

We welcome all returning students, new students who have recently reached the age of 4, and those students who have recently moved into the Triangle area.

RACL’s school calendar follows the traditional calendar of the Wake County Public School System.

School Address:  Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502

School Mailing Address: Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, PO Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27650-6375
